CTRAC Appeals Process

The appeals process will ensure that all denials, from the Credential review panel, have an opportunity to be appealed and that those presented shall be promptly, addressed, and appropriate action determined.

  • When an applicant is denied approval; the Credential Review Panel will record the reasons for the denial on the review sheet.
  • The applicant will be notified of disapproval in writing; by the Manager of Operation.  The letter will contain the status of the review and the reason for the denial.
  • Information about the appeal process will be included in the letter.
  • Applicants will have thirty (30) days to submit a written appeal to the CTRAC Board.
  • When written appeals are received the Manager of Operation will acknowledge receipt of this request, in writing and the appeal will be presented to the board at the next scheduled meeting.
  • The board will discuss and make the final determination of the appeal.
  • A written response will be sent to the applicant within thirty (30) days after the board’s decision.

Please contact CTRAC for additional information.